The transition a woman undergoes in her life is bewildering, and the impact that these changes create in her body and psyche is prodigious, yet indispensable. One such massive and natural transit a woman encounters is Menopause.
Sweta means white and Pradara means discharge. Leucorrhoea is an excessive discharge of a white, sticky, thick or thin, or sometimes yellowish in colour and foul-smelling material from the vagina before periods is called leucorrhoea. Some symptoms like feelings of weakness, pain in the back and calf, loss of vital fluids, pruritis, etc. Leucorrhoea is of two types physiological and inflammatory,
According to Ayurvedic physiology, Arava (the reproductive apparatus along with the menstrual blood and the ovum) is formed from the Rasa Dhatu (the first tissue formed after digestion and metabolism). When the food habits are faulty like an excessive indulgence in heavy, fried, oily, or too dry food, incompatible foods like fruits with milk, excessive junk food, non-vegetarian dominant or dairy dominant food, overeating, etc, the metabolism is hampered leading to to inflammation and formation of endotoxins in the Rasa Dhatu, which is passed on to the Arava too.
Fibroid tumours of the uterus are solid, muscular growths that can be found in the uterine wall. Pea-sized to melon-sized, they consist of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. Fibroids can occur at any age in a woman but are most frequent in the reproductive years of her 30s and 40s.
In Ayurveda, PCOD is caused due to an imbalance of any of the two doshas – Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water). Aggravated Pitta causes contamination of the dhatus or tissues like blood and plasma. This causes a buildup of toxins or ama in the body.
In PCOS patients, these toxins get accumulated in the channels of the mind, leading to an imbalance of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. This results in an imbalance of female hormones and causes the formation of ovarian cysts which is nothing but a collection of fluids within the ovary, anovulatory periods or periods with no ovulation.
In Ayurveda, Hormones are known as Dhatu Agni and are considered a part of Pitta Dosha, since they are carried by blood or Rakta Pitta.
After Panchakarma therapy, diseases are cured and normal health is restored. Rejuvenation and revitalization of the body is achieved. All Yoni Vyapad are basically due to the vitiation of vata dosha, even in the pittaja and kaphaja yoni vyapad, there is a role of vata being deranged. Logo